Birdd's of a Feather
Come join the flock!!
My name is Laura aka Birdd and I am a SAHM from Ohio. I have three kids a cat and two doggies.
I have decided to use this page for the thing that I love most! GENEALOGY!! It will take me awhile to get my custom genealogy pages loaded here so in the meantime you can see my family tree HERE!! There have been some major additions since I uploaded this tree!! I will try to get the full tree here soon!

The surnames I have in my tree are: A ABBOTT, Adams, Affolter, ALLAN, Allen, Alspach, Amerline, Anderson, ANDREWS, Ankrom, Ann, Antonelli, ARCHER, ARNOLD, ASTON, Atwood, Auken B BACKUS, Badeau, Bailey, Bain, Bakeman, BAKER, Ball, Barnes, Barr, Beall, BECKER, Bedow, Behlow, Belford, Bell, Berry, Beulah, Black, Blair, BLAKEMORE, Bloom, Blum, Bogart, Bohanan, Bonnet, Booh, Boor, Bossenberger, Bowen, Bradford, Brandt, Brannon, Brashear, Brayley, Brenizer, Brock, Brokaw, Brooks, BROUCARD, Brown, Bryant, Buchanan, Burley, Burns, Burton C C., Cady, Cain, Campbell, Candy, CAREY, Carpenter, Chadeayne, CHAPMAN, Chatterly, CHEATEM, Cheatham, Chesser, Cheston, Chidester, Chidster, CHRISLER, Clark, Coburn, Coevert, Coffin, Cohagen, COLLARD, CONNER, Conte, Cooper, Coquillet, Corry, Courtright, COX, Cramblet, CRANE, Cremean, Crist, Crites, CROWE, Crum, Custard D Darensbourg, David, Davids, DAVIES, DAVIS, DEAN, Denniston, Denyce, DEURSEN, DeVore, Dewey, DeWitt, Dheygere, Diffenbaugh, Dillard, DISERANS, Doane, Dodson, Dorothea, Dotson, Doty, Driggs, Dundas, Dunkle, Dupler, Dusen, Dutton E Eddy, EDGAR, Eleanor, Eliza, Elizabeth, Elswick, Emigh, Emmet, Engle, Ervien, Este, Evans F FACEMEIR, FAIRMAN, Farrabee, Fichman, Fields, Fingleton, Fish, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Flannagan, Fleming, Foltz, Foster, France, Frantz, Franz, FRASER, FRAZIER, Freda, Freeman, Fuller, Funk G Garter, Geiger, Gerry, GILSON, Gingerich, Giovanni, Giraud, GIRVEN, Gittins, Godfrey, Goodwin, Gorden, Goring, Graham, Grant, GREEN, Griffith, Griswold, GROVE, Guion H HAINES, HALL, Hallarn, Hammer, Hammond, Hansel, HARDIN, Hardesty, HARDIN, HARDY, Harmon, Harris, Harrison, Harsh, HARTJE, Hartsell, Hawk, Hawkins, Hayes, HAYMAN, Head, Heater, HEDGES, Helwagen, Hempstead, Henery, HENRY, Hermance, HERRICK, HIGBY, Higgins, Hill, HILTS, Hiscox, Hite, Hlavasa, Hlavsa, Hoerauf, Hoff, Holland, Holt, Houck, Howard, Hoy, Huck, HUFFMAN, Hull, Hurley, Hutson I Iles, Imler, Ismay J Jackson, Jane, Jans, JAYNE, Jeerian, JEFFRIES, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Josephine K Keller, Kelley, Kemble, Ken, Kennard, Kennedy, Kent, Kesler, Ketchum, KIEFFER, Kimball, King, KINNEY, KINSER, KINZLE, KNIGHT, Kontner, Kullis L Labadie, Lahey, Landrin, Langford, Lawrence, Lazarus, Lee, Lefevre, LeRoux, Letizia, Lewis, Littleton, Logan, Long, LOTT, Love M Mabie, Mabille, Mackeprang, MacNamara, Markoff, Markowski, Martin, Mary, Mathews, MATHIOT, Mattern, May, McCLAIN, McCORMICK, McDONALD, McDowell, McElhose, McGonigle, McHenry, McKenzie, McKibben, McKOWN, McMillan, McWhorter, Mees, MELGAR, Metzger, Millard, Miller, MINT, Mitchell, MONTROSS, MORAN, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Muchmore, Murphy, Murry N Nash, Nees, Neeson, Neff, Nelson, Nemens, Neuhauser, Nevi, Newton, Nichols, Nickles, Nihizer, Nolte, Norden, Norstrand, North, Nott, Nyssen O Ohlinger, OPDYCKE, ORCUTT, Orndorff, OSGOOD, OWEN P Pace, PALMLEAF, Pam, Parish, Parks, Parry, Paschke, Peden, PEFFER, Peirano, Pemberton, Peregrine, Perkins, Perron, Perry, Persinger, Pettit, Petty, Phebe, Phillipon, PICKERING, Pistone, POWERS, Priest Q Queen R Ralph, Rauber, Rebecca, Reid, Reinstetle, Reinstettle, Rennix, Replogle, Rice, Ricketts, RIGGS, Rightley, Robeits, Roberts, Robinson, Rockhold, Rose, ROSS, Rosser, Roynton S Sain, Sanderson, Sarah, Scarbro, Schmitt, Seals, Secord, Sennett, Sherlock, Shupe, Shureman, SIMMONS, Simpson, Siniff, Skinner, Slyke, Smania, SMEAD, Smith, Snively, Spicer, ST.JOHN, Staats, Staley, STARKWEATHER, Stephens, Stephenson, Stiner, Stiverson, Stone, Stout, Straub, STRICKLAND, Susanna, Sutliffe, Suttner, Sutton, Swan, Swartout, Swartz, Swick, Swingle, Sycart T TALLMAN, Taylor, Tennant, Terrier, Teske, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Toll, Tomlinson, Toole, Touby, Trahern, Travis, Tremain, TREMPER, Tufts, Turner U Urquhart V Valentine, Valtinburgh, VanBuren, VanCleave, VanMiddlesward, Victor W W, Waddell, WALKER, Wallis, Warthman, WATSON, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Welch, WELKER, Weller, Wells, Wheeler, WHITE, Whitecraft, WILKINSON, WILLARD, Willey, William, Williams, Williamsom, Wilmington, Wilson, Wiltsee, WINCHELL, Wise, Woertman, Wolf, Wolverton, Wood, Worthington, WRENN, WYATT Z Zeller, Zimmerman, Zumbro If any of these names are not found on my genealogy pages, please e-mail me... they have probably just not been uploaded yet!!

My interests:
  • Books/Magazines
  • Comedy
  • Computers/Technology
  • Conservation/Environment
  • History
  • PC Games
  • Parenting
  • Pets/Animals
  • Philosophy
  • Politics

Favourite links

Parent Soup
A VERY VERY friendly place!!

Birdd's Nest
You will find my genealogy info and a LONG list of links here!

Birdd Soup
Some of my sillier things

Email me at:
[email protected]

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